Saturday 1 September 2012

A ship, a sub and a big blue wet thing.

We all know that this year was the 100th anniversary of that fateful night the titanic hit an iceberg and fell to the floor of the Atlantic. What you may not know is that today is the anniversary of the day anyone saw the likes of her after that night.

On September 1, 1985 a submarine by the name of the Argo sent back video footage from the ocean floor. For the first time in 73 years, human eyes saw the Titanic.

Robert Ballard and his team had been looking for the Titanic for some time before they managed to find her. The difficulty was twofold. a) she wasn't where everyone thought she should be and b) she rests over 3km below the surface.

Nothing much for happened with the exploration of the Titanic for a year, but the point is, after 73 years of not being sure, 73 years of conjecture and conflicting witness accounts, we were all able to start piecing together what happened on July 14, 1912.

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