Wednesday, 19 September 2012


I hope you all know what day it is, I really do. Arrrrr.


International Talk Like A Pirate Day!!!

Probably one of my favourite days of the year… you know what, not probably, it IS one of my favourite days of the year.

International Talk Like A Pirate Day has one of the most fantastic origins in human history. During a racquetball game one of the co-creators endured sudden pain and reacted with “AAAarrrrrr” and that was the birth of the idea that would become a really silly thing celebrated worldwide.

We really have three fellas to thank for the wonderment that has been the 19th of September for the past 10 years. First off there are the two fantastic racquet ballers who first thought an entire day devoted to the word “AAArrrr” would be a good idea, Cap’n Slappy and Ol’Chumbucket (and you know what, I’m just going to use those names, because they are just too good for words) and then there is the journalist who also thought it was a fantastic idea and started promoting the day – Dave Barry (see, sometimes journalists do something useful!). Thanks to these three, we have an entire day devoted to the fun of talking like a pirate, regardless of crap your accent is.

The world needs more silly things like Talk Like A Pirate Day, because all the other international days are really preachy about morality and saving the planet and stuff. Talk Like A Pirate Day is a day when the whole world can wear an awesome hat, put on their favourite boots and swagger like Johnny Depp. We can use words like “landlubber” and “kraken” and just be cool about it. We can talk in silly voices and use archaic language and pretend we understand each other. We can throw insults like never before and just accept that it’s all in good fun. have a fantastic Talk Like A Pirate Day, and say a prayer for Robert Newton, the Patron Saint of Talk Like A Pirate Day.

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