Being without Montague (that’s what I named him) made me realize that I have WAY too much music. Having to actually decide what I was going to want to listen to before actually wanting to listen to it so I could put it on my phone was a tedious business and I lost sight of a lot of the more archaic and strange pieces of my collection that I would only occasionally have the urge to listen to. (As I am writing this-longhand because I am on camp- I am watching Mulan and thinking “why the heck do the Huns have yellow eyes?”) Things like the CD of Bagpipe music, five CDs worth of classical piano and a bunch of really strange yet fantastic cello music, not forgetting the dulcet tones of Foster and Allen.
The first few days after I got Víðarr (that’s what I named him- Norse god of vengeance- don’t ask me why, I get taken by whims sometimes), I had him on shuffle EVERYTHING. T’was grand. I happily listened to crap I hate, bagpipes, cellos, Hanson and Weird Al Yankovic, stuff I used to adore but haven’t listened to in several years. It was fantastic.
Now I am on a mission to listen to every single song that is contained within Víðarr’s fantastic little hard-drive of awesome. Thus far I have managed to listen to about seven albums… out of several hundred and i occurs to me that some of the albums are really very long. There are some that I have already skipped simply because the were wrong for the moment. For example, The Presets are really not appropriate “Bedtime-need-my-brain-to-be-calm” music and I have found that most soundtracks are a pretty poor choice of driving music.
Another brilliant thing about having my iPod back is the sudden accessibility I have to all of my Disney movies (hence the watching Mulan). It’s great. Mostly because they are all almost exactly 90 minutes long which is the perfect movie before bed watching length (or “its 3am and I cant sleep thanks to the Anaconda/Kraken/ Man-Eating Possum living in my ceiling). I also have Jonathan Creek. I love that show, so, so very much. So much so that Danse Macabre became my favourite piece if music for an age, and its thanks to Leverage (also on the iPod) that I found Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherezade (another truly beautiful piece of music).
(Oh! I’ve reached the sad bit of Mulan. Sadness. Not as sadness inducing as Bambi, but sadness inducing nonetheless.)
I am beginning to wonder how long it is going to take me to give up on this whole “listen to every song you own” thing. Noting that I have already skipped around three albums (I cant actually remember how many).
I am also noting that whenever I write the word “skipped” I always draw the ‘k’ before the ‘s’, also my stamina for handwriting is sadly lacking. My whole arm hurts.
Anyway, back from that lovely tangent, I am going to get to the B’s and wonder how the hell I ever thought this crusade was a good idea. I give myself two more weeks before I fold. Fold like a really terrible (but not unintelligent) poker player.
The others are playing a game of Cheat behind me. They are using two decks. There are alot of them. Things are getting complicated. Its quite entertaining listening to them through the filter of Disney dialogue.
Anyway. After getting lost several times while writing this and failing to keep writing due to the fact that this is the first extended piece of handwriting I have done since first year Uni (some four years ago now) and I am now so weak and feeble and shamefully unpracticed at long-handing it (and I never devised my own version of shorthand); I am going to conclude this small chapter and finish watching my movie… and probably start watching The Muppet Show… I love The Muppets, not so much the new movie, the voices were all wrong (I’m sorry guys, but I watch The Muppet show to much and if you ain’t Frank Oz I can tell)…
Ipods are good. Mine is named Víðarr.

Update: I got to the B's and thought "The Is AWESOME!" because the first album I have that starts with the letter B is Barney Stinson's "Get Psyched" Mix.
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