Tuesday 17 July 2012

Happy Hawkeye Day!

Today we are clebrating the birthday of one of my favorite people. Mr Donald Sutherland turns 77 today. He has one of those voices that just makes you melt like butter and the ability to stand on the far right of screen and steal all of the audience's attention.

Happy Birthday Hawkeye!

Also on this day in the year 1955 the world said a great big "Why, hello there" to "The Happiest Place on Earth". That's right, Disneyland officially opened 57 years ago. At the time of the opening, only 20 attractions called it home. How Quaint. Now Disneyland has over 60 attractions and well over 600 million people have taken a gander, eaten way too much fairy-floss and then felt really nauseous on the tea cup ride in the last 57 years.

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