Tuesday 31 July 2012

In The Movies, The Silent Movies, The Lion Roars with Sound.

You know those advertising things that cause you to associate something with a product? Like how I now associate The Beach Boys with cheap electronics. Well. When you hear (in your head) me say "MGM", what do you see? I'm going to say that you will see one of two things, you either see a casino or a lion.

Who cares about Casinos?

I care about Lions. Lions are cool.

On this day on 1928, Leo the MGM Lion roared for the first time. Well, Roared with sound.
MGM Movies On iTunes Store

The MGM logo had included a Lion since 1917, but in 1928 a new lion came along named Jackie whose roaring visage was recorded for the new 'soundie' logo which was premiered on the 31st of July at the opening of the film White Shadows in the South Seas.

White Shadows in the South Seas is a special movie in film history. It was the first silent film to use a pre-recorded soundtrack in the place of the old live piano number. The soundtrack consisted of a romantic score and some atmospheric wind noises. Apparently the word "hello" is also in there.

So Happy MGM Lion Day!!! Now go and watch some good film and television.

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